You May Not Have Lyme Disease: Possible Alternatives
Have you met LLMDs who quickly hop on board with the idea that you have Lyme disease? They seem to think everyone with chronic fatigue is a Lymie.
Fact: Lyme can masquerade as other ailments. For example, it causes false positive ANAs and rheumatoid factor (RF) tests by over-stimulating the immune system (read this article on Lyme vs RA, Lupus and other autoimmune disorders).
Fact: BUT… other ailments may give you false positive Lyme tests.
Below is a list of conditions that could be Lyme and coinfections. So, let’s see what ELSE they could be. I will recommend testing for each issue, and you can bring this up to your doctors for discussion. I encourage you to do online research as well. I must also warn you, I have crammed a lot of information into this post, so brace yourself.
Rule things out
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