Antibiotic Dangers for Lyme Disease Patients
Not all germs are bad. 70 percent of you is made of germs. Medical professor at NYU Dr. Martin Blaser has accumulated research on the long term effects of antibiotics on us and has come to the conclusion that antibiotics are risky business. Please consider the general risks. For more Lyme specific risks click here.
Some antibiotic dangers to consider:
1. In emergencies, antibiotics save lives.
Antibiotics have saved lives since the 1940’s. Plagues that killed before can now be wiped out with these miracle drugs. People hospitalized with pneumonias, puerperal sepsis, meningitis, typhoid fever, and other sever infectious diseases can vouch for the benefits of antibiotics. They work miracles with Lyme Disease, as well.
But there is a time to stop using them and start building immunity. And we need to acknowledge that Chronic Lyme Syndrome is not just an infection, but an autoimmune response, and that antibiotics may not kill all the Lyme no matter how strong they are. They may even terminate entire species of microbiota that you’ve spent your entire life accumulating.

2. Some cultures have overdone it with antibiotics.
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