Overcoming Hardship – 8 Tips to Getting Over that Mountain
Let’s start by asking what hardship is…how is it defined?
According to Merriam-Webster, hardship is defined as “something that causes or entails suffering or privation”. Yet, if we want to go deeper to specifically define “suffering” or “privation”, I think it’s unlikely we will come to a consensus.
How we view hardship is all relative to our personal existence. For one person, it might be facing a short term medical leave, and coming up short on funds to pay the mounting bills for a month or two. To someone else, hardship could be living with a chronic illness, such as Lyme’s Disease, and dealing with the challenges of functioning in everyday activities, including holding down a job. One could lose their job, home, and in some cases…even their family and friends. It all comes down to what we, as individuals, are accustomed to and what we can handle. Read more “Overcoming Hardship – 8 Tips to Getting Over that Mountain”