CD57: the types of testing, and whether or not it means Lyme biz
I gathered some info to explain CD57 and it seems like at least according to the sources I looked at briefly that this marker is a decent indicator of Lyme. But it could be other things, too. I’m thinking some sort of infection. Your doc will dig deeper before making a diagnosis.
I don’t think it matters if it’s Lyme or some other chronic infection; CD57+ does not become low if not for a tired/low immune system. Which is why I say don’t panic! Because zen is good for immunity! And if you are not sure yet what your CD57 results mean, consider holding off on antibiotics and instead try some herbs that are both antimicrobial and immune boosting. You can always incorporate antibiotics later. But if you jump to them immediately, while your CD57+ is low, it might eradicate 99% of an infection but dip your CD57+ even lower and then leave your body without an army of immune fighters and defenceless against that 1% remaining infection. I think some of my friends have gotten themselves into a hole by resorting directly to abx, making infections antibiotic resistant, all while lowering immune function more and giving themselves worse gut issues. Read more “Abnormal CD57: Is it Lyme? An Explanation”